Author: Intern

The spine naturally shows curvatures in certain areas. These curvatures help balance the body's load distribution and maximize mobility. What is the treatment of kyphosis? Kyphosis treatment methods may vary depending on the severity of kyphosis, its cause and the age of the patient. However, if these curvatures increase more than normal, it can cause various health problems.

It is a foot problem that occurs as a result of the loss or reduction of the normal curvature of the sole of the foot. The soles of individuals with flat feet touch the ground more and the arches that normally support the soles of the feet disappear. Flat feet usually develop in childhood and can last a lifetime. Many people have no...

Cervical disc herniation is also called "cervical disc herniation" in the medical literature and is a disorder that occurs as a result of the discs between the vertebrae in the neck herniating or compressing outwards. It is located at the top of the spine and is called the cervical spine. The cervical spine, which provides movement and connects the spinal cord and various nerves...