06 Apr Hammer Finger Symptoms
It is a type of hand deformity and causes bending and swelling of the fingers. In this case, the fingers gradually bend and curl towards the palm. This deformity is usually seen in all four fingers except the thumb. In some cases, it may be a symptom of connective tissue or muscle diseases. These may include rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, and lupus. Additionally, some neurological diseases can also cause hand deformities such as hammer toe.
Hammer Finger Symptoms
Hammertoe is a condition that can occur in people of all ages, but is generally more common in middle-aged or older people.
Hammertoe symptoms may include:
1. Bending of fingers: Initially, a slight bending of the fingers may be observed. However, over time the bending increases and curves towards the palm.
2. Swelling in the fingers: The fingers may swell, and the swelling may cause the bending to become worse.
3. Pain: Due to the bending and swelling of the fingers, people may experience pain. This pain may worsen with movement of the fingers.
4. Susceptibility to injury: People with hammer fingers are more prone to injury due to the reduced mobility of the fingers necessary for normal hand use.
5. Difficulty: It may cause difficulties in performing daily activities. For example, it can make even simple tasks like dressing, eating, or writing difficult.
Hammertoe symptoms If it is noticed, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It usually occurs as a result of an underlying disease or injury. These may include rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus, nerve damage, muscle weakness, or muscular dystrophy. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the quality of life of people with hammertoes and prevent the progression of the deformity.
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